2025 Conference Registration & Check Payment

To Register for the Conference and pay with a check, you must complete the registration form below for each individual attending. Payment may be mailed into the address below.  Click here to Register & pay with a credit card.  Be sure to include payment for additional meals requested for non-registered guests. Fees are non-refundable for no-shows.

Make Checks Out Payable To: WHSFMA Conference

Checks can be sent to: 
Hailey Laws
Green County Human Services
N3152 State Road 81
Monroe, WI 53566
If you have any questions, please reach out to Hailey Laws at hlaws@gchsd.org

Fill out our WHSFMA Conference Registration Form below and pay with a check.

"*" indicates required fields


Registration Fees (includes all breaks/meals for the day you register):
Add-On Meal Rates (for non-registered conference guests only)